It takes a lot to run a business and it’s essential to manage your time well. Building a business undoubtedly requires you to put a lot of hours in, but the real key is to work smarter, not longer. By carefully managing your time, you can ensure that you achieve your goals without suffering from burnout.

Efficiency is all about doing more with less, which is why it's the key to boosting your profitability without raising your prices.

Let's take a look at three ways you can increase efficiency in your small business to keep more of the money you make.

Optimising the workflow isn't always as straightforward as it seems, with inevitable distractions frequently present in the background. Here are some of the worst offenders in that regard.

Not only is outsourcing a smart financial move, it also enables you to maintain organisational agility and increase the quality of your output, whilst freeing up your own valuable time. Let’s dive into why, how and when to outsource.